We hope that 2021 is, so far, kinder to everyone than 2020 was!
A big change that want to inform you of is that the Society has moved its membership platform from PayPal to Memberful. This is for a few reasons, most pertinent of which is that Memberful will do yearly renewals, rather that us having to send reminders and you needing to remember if you’ve renewed. We have already made the update to the Society’s Membership page, so if you go there, you’ll be brought directly to the correct page. As always, if you need a different way to pay, please contact us at [email protected].
If you recently paid for your annual membership through PayPal – not to worry! We’ve received your payment so you will be receiving the upcoming issue of the Society’s Journal (Issue #3, the 2020 issue). Or in other words, if you recently renewed or signed up for your annual IDFWS membership via PayPal, there is no need for you to do this again via Memberful at this time.
**NOTE** Issue #3 is the 2020 issue, even though you’ll receive it in 2021. It will be labeled as such.
Just to review our membership levels, please see the below details, or see our Membership page.
Student Level
Students or Independent Scholars
Helps us support new DFW scholarship
You will receive a single issue of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies for each year that you maintain active membership with the IDFW Society.
Faculty/Patron Level
Offers ongoing support for the IDFW Society
IDFW Society swag
You will receive a single issue of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies for each year that you maintain active membership with the IDFW Society.
Benefactor Level (NEW!)
Offers ongoing support for the IDFW Society
IDFW Society swag
Special recognition at the annual DFW conference
You will receive every issue* of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies for each year that you maintain active membership with the IDFW Society (e.g. if we publish two issue in a single year, you would receive both issues).
*Currently, the Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies only publishes one journal issue each year.
We hope that 2021 brings us all bigger and brighter experiences! We wish you and your loved ones a hopeful new year!