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Published by the International David Foster Wallace Society, The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies is a double-blind, peer-reviewed print journal aimed at the international academic and professional communities engaged with Wallace’s work.
The journal’s goal is to publish the most recent scholarship in the development of Wallace Studies and to encourage and identify new lines of inquiry for the discipline.
Researchers, practitioners, and independent scholars are invited to share their views on the current trends, challenges, and state of Wallace Studies, as well as on potential future directions that situate Wallace in larger contexts and conversations. We highly encourage non-traditional forms of scholarship. The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies is particularly interested in working closely with emerging scholars and writers.
The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies is also interested in publishing a number of themed special issues in the future. Contributors who wish to collaborate on such issues should email the editor-in-chief.

Michael O’Connell
Rob Short
Managing Editor
Matt Bucher
Editorial Board
Grace Chipperfield
Danielle Ely
Cory Hudson
Dave Laird
Matt Luter
Reviews Editor
Ryan Kerr
David Jensen
Mike Miley
Eitan Orenstein
Ándrea Laurencell Sheridan
Dominik Steinhilber