Changes to the Board

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We like to participate in early voting here at the IDFWS, so we’re proud to announce some shifted roles as well as some new faces on the board:

Ándrea Laurencell Sheridan: President
Ashlie Kontos: Vice President
Corrie Baldauf: Secretary
Rob Short: Treasurer/Webmaster
Matt Bucher: Austin 2022 Conference Chair
Danielle Ely: Membership Chair
Matthew Luter: ALA/MLA Conference Chair
Grace Chipperfield: Web Developer
Clare Hayes-Brady: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies
Vernon W. Cisney: 2023 PA Conference Chair
Allard den Dulk: 2021 Amsterdam Conference Chair
Dave Laird: Membre du Conseil, Division de Convexité
Mike Miley: Board Member
Diego Báez: Board Member
Alex Moran: Board Member

Check out the website’s main page for photos, bios, and contact info.

And yes, you read that right–we have annual DFW conference locations planned out through 2023:

2021 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
2022 in Austin, Texas
2023 in Pennsylvania, US.

We look forward to sharing more information about the conferences as we have it.

In the meantime, we are always looking for entries to the blog, Tattoos for the Tattoo Project, or anything else exciting that you want to share! Contact us at [email protected], or contact a specific member with the contact info accompanying their photo/bio on our home page.

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