The International David Foster Wallace Society Conference
Austin, Texas – June 4-6, 2020
In part as a courtesy to our friends in Australia, to whom were are sending nothing but the best of vibes, and in part just because, we are extending the deadline for proposals for the 2020 International DFW Society Conference. We have received some amazing proposals so far, and frankly, we want more! (We’re a little greedy like that.)
The new deadline is Monday, January 20.
As a reminder, here are the instructions. You can head back to our original CFP for ideas.
Submit paper abstracts of 300 words and brief biographical info to [email protected]. We welcome submissions from currently unaffiliated scholars, contingent faculty, faculty in settings other than higher education, and graduate and undergraduate students. Full panel proposals are welcome also, though we encourage panels that span a variety of faculty ranks and institutions.
Undergraduate students at Texas institutions are invited to see the special CFP for the Charles B. Harris Award for Undergraduate Writing on Wallace. All undergraduate proposals from students at Texas institutions will be automatically entered for the Harris Award.
Include in your submission your name, affiliation (if any), mailing address, and email address. Please specify any special AV or scheduling needs when submitting your proposal.
Contact us @dfwsociety on Twitter or via email at [email protected]