Wallace and Religious Literature by Nan Denette
Religion and Literature by Nan Denette My first reading of Infinite Jest as a teenager was largely why I decided to study literature
Religion and Literature by Nan Denette My first reading of Infinite Jest as a teenager was largely why I decided to study literature
So, you went to MAPACA 2018 and took a blue pen…now what? Thank you for your interest in the International David Foster
The International David Foster Wallace Society will sponsor two panels at the 30th annual conference of the American Literature Association
Affect theory attempts to make sense of our emotions and their implications. Specifically, affect theory is aimed at understanding feelings
The great literary critic and scholar Steven Moore reached out to us this month to say that he had discovered
Written by Ándrea Laurencell Sheridan, Diversity Team Coordinator When I’m not spending my time diligently diversifying the International David Foster Wallace
By Alex Moran and Diego Báez Sergio De La Pava’s career as a prolific author may not have seemed readily apparent
I began searching for ways to incorporate David Foster Wallace’s essays into non-literature-based classrooms almost one year ago. I was needlessly
IDFWS Diversity Committee member Cynthia Zhang grapples with a beloved artist’s reprehensible behavior and the ramifications for a conflicted fan