Happy New Year from all of us at IDFWS and The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies!We hope that you are as excited for 2019 as we are.
Our first board meeting of the year saw some changes to our slate of officers and to the board. You’ll see those updates on our website, but we’d also like to acknowledge those changes here.
Our new roster is:

President: Rob Short
Vice-President: Ándrea Laurencell Sheridan
Secretary: Corrie Baldauf
Treasurer:Matt Bucher
Membership Chair: Grace Chipperfield
Journal Editor-in-Chief: Clare Hayes-Brady
Diversity Committee Co-Chair: Diego Báez
Diversity Committee Co-Chair: Ashlie Kontos
ALA/Conference Coordinator: Matt Luter
Board Members:
Danielle Ely
Dave Laird
Nick Maniatis
Mike Miley
Alex Moran
We’ve also added to our social media presence. In addition to our already active Twitter account, we now have an Instagram and Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you wherever you find us!
The inaugural issue of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies is still making its way through various postal systems, both foreign and domestic. If you paid for membership but haven’t yet received yours, please be assured: your copy is on its way! Right now, we’re a small operation—though we promise that our mailing is Frequent & Vigorous.
Next, we’ve had several questions about the 2019 ISU conference, and we want to clarify that it is organized by Ryan Edel at ISU rather than IDFWS itself, as it has always been the purview of ISU and its staff. We look forward to Ryan’s plans and announcements for this year’s conference. You might find them on the conference Facebook page, and/or the conference website. For 2020, IDFWS will organize and launch a new conference in a new location so watch for an announcement soon.
Meanwhile, IDFWS continues to build steam, fueled by our ongoing projects: upcoming special issues of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies, online content from our Diversity Committee, new blog series, the DFW tattoo project—with still more just over the horizon. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with new ideas and projects; we are always excited to work with new people and fresh approaches.
And just as a reminder: The deadline for ALA proposals is January 15.
We look forward to seeing and working with you in 2019!